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Organizational Strengths

Global Alliance for Sustainability possesses several strengths that position us to make a significant impact in promoting climate change science and the application of sustainable technologies:

Experienced Team: Our team comprises professionals and volunteers with diverse backgrounds in climate science, technology, education, project management, and non-profit operations. This breadth and depth of experience will enable us to tackle complex challenges and drive our mission forward.

Strategic Partnerships: We will cultivate robust partnerships with key stakeholders in various sectors. Our collaborations with businesses, governmental bodies, academic institutions, and other non-profits will help us pool resources, share knowledge, and enhance the effectiveness of our initiatives.

Innovation-Focused Approach: We pride ourselves on staying at the forefront of green technology. Our commitment to identifying and promoting the most innovative solutions to environmental challenges ensures our projects have a high impact.

Holistic Strategy: We take a holistic approach to promoting sustainability, combining education, innovation, collaboration, and project implementation. This multifaceted strategy allows us to tackle the issue of climate change from several angles.

Global Perspective: As our name suggests, we take a global perspective on sustainability. While we are rooted in local communities, our understanding of climate change as a global problem informs our strategies and helps us make a broader impact.

Strong Track Record: Our successful implementation of various projects before coming to Global Alliance - from major environmental cleanups and hybrid solar/diesel setups to municipal energy efficiency initiatives - underscores our ability to effectively translate our mission into tangible outcomes.

By leveraging these strengths, Global Alliance for Sustainability strives to effectively address climate change and promote a sustainable future for all.

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Exploring New Paths Toward A Sustainable Future

At the Global Alliance for Sustainability, we're committed to exploring new paths to a sustainable future by leveraging emerging technologies, engaging in robust research, and fostering worldwide collaboration.

Emerging Technologies: With an unflinching focus on innovation, we will continuously scout for and implement cutting-edge sustainable technologies. From advanced solar panels and energy storage systems to novel carbon sequestration methods, we're committed to harnessing technology's potential to drive environmental progress.

Collaborative Innovation: We believe that the path to sustainability is paved with cooperation. By fostering collaborative relationships with stakeholders from various sectors, we will be able to share ideas, combine resources, and work together towards common goals. This collaborative spirit extends to our relationships with other non-profit organizations, governmental bodies, academic institutions, and local communities.

Community Empowerment: Part of our path towards a more sustainable future involves empowering local communities to adopt sustainable practices. We aim to make green technologies accessible at a grassroots level and educate community members about their benefits, which can lead to increased adoption and lasting change.

Policy Advocacy: We are committed to working with lawmakers and regulators to promote policies that advance the use of sustainable technologies and foster a more sustainable future.
Through these concerted efforts, the Global Alliance for Sustainability is proactively exploring new paths to ensure our planet's sustainability for future generations.

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Solar Panels in Mountains
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At Global Alliance for Sustainability, we are driven by a strong set of core values that guide our mission, shape our actions, and define our organization's culture. These values underpin everything we do as we advocate for climate change and work towards a sustainable future for our planet.

1. Commitment to Climate Action: We believe that urgent action is required to address the pressing challenges of climate change. We are committed to raising awareness about the environmental crisis and inspiring individuals, communities, and policymakers to take meaningful steps towards a more sustainable future.

2. Innovation and Technology: We recognize the power of innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies in combating climate change. We promote and support the development and adoption of new technologies that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance energy efficiency, and foster sustainable practices across various industries.

3. Collaboration and Partnerships: Tackling climate change is a collective effort that requires collaboration between diverse stakeholders. We actively seek partnerships with governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses, research institutions, and individuals to pool resources and expertise to achieve our common goals.

4. Science-Based Approach: Our strategies and initiatives are grounded in scientific research and data-driven analysis. We prioritize evidence-based decision-making to ensure that our efforts are effective, impactful, and contribute to long-term sustainability.

5. Empowerment and Education: We believe that education is a powerful tool for change. We are dedicated to empowering individuals and communities with knowledge about climate change, its impacts, and the solutions available to combat it. Through education, we aim to foster a sense of responsibility and ownership for the environment.

6. Environmental Justice and Equity: Climate change disproportionately affects vulnerable communities worldwide. We are committed to promoting environmental justice and ensuring that the solutions we advocate for are inclusive, equitable, and benefit all segments of society, regardless of their socioeconomic background.

7. Transparency and Accountability: We maintain the highest standards of transparency and accountability in all our actions. We are committed to regularly communicating our progress, impact, and financial management to our stakeholders and supporters.

8. Adaptability and Resilience: In a rapidly changing world, we recognize the importance of adaptability and resilience. We remain open to learning, evolving our strategies, and embracing innovative approaches as we navigate the complexities of climate change and sustainability challenges.

9. Environmental Stewardship: We believe in the responsible stewardship of the Earth's resources. We encourage sustainable practices within our organization and promote environmentally friendly behaviors among our members and the wider community.

10. Global Perspective, Local Impact: Climate change is a global issue with local consequences. We understand the significance of both global cooperation and localized action. We strive to address climate change challenges at both scales, recognizing the importance of tailored solutions for different regions and communities.

These core values serve as the guiding principles that drive the Global Alliance for Sustainability's endeavors. We invite all individuals, organizations, and stakeholders who share these values to join us in our collective journey towards a sustainable and resilient future for all. Together, we can make a positive impact on the world's climate and environment.

Mission Statement

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At the Global Alliance for Sustainability, our mission is to help the world stop climate change—as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible. We are committed to addressing the urgent challenges posed by climate change through a multi-faceted approach that focuses on advancing effective, science-based climate solutions and strategies; fostering bold, new climate leadership; and promoting new climate narratives and voices.

    1. Advancing Effective, Science-Based Climate Solutions and Strategies: We recognize the critical importance of science in combating climate change. As an alliance, we continuously strive to identify, develop, and promote practical and evidence-based solutions that are rooted in scientific research. Our goal is to support and accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices, renewable energy sources, and innovative technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance climate resilience. Through collaboration with leading experts and organizations, we aim to drive policy changes and implement scalable initiatives that have a positive and lasting impact on the planet.

    2. Fostering Bold, New Climate Leadership: We firmly believe that effective climate action requires strong and visionary leadership. As a global alliance, we work to empower and inspire leaders from diverse backgrounds, including governments, businesses, communities, and youth, to take bold steps towards sustainability. By providing a platform for collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and capacity-building, we seek to nurture a new generation of climate leaders who will drive transformative change and inspire others to join the fight against climate change.

    3. Promoting New Climate Narratives and New Voices: The power of storytelling and communication is paramount in influencing public opinion and driving collective action. Our alliance is dedicated to reshaping the climate narrative by highlighting the interconnectedness between environmental sustainability, social justice, and economic prosperity. We strive to amplify the voices of marginalized communities and indigenous peoples, who are often disproportionately affected by climate change but hold valuable traditional knowledge and resilience. By promoting inclusive and diverse perspectives, we aim to create a global movement that fosters empathy, cooperation, and a shared responsibility to protect the planet for future generations.

Through our unwavering dedication to these core principles, the Global Alliance for Sustainability seeks to catalyze a global transformation towards a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable world. Together, we can forge a path towards a climate-stable future and secure a thriving planet for generations to come.

Image by William Bossen

Our Mission Is Clear: Change The Course Of Human Events

There are many paths to reach this goal, and we’ve laid out a vision built on core values to create a future with sustainable, equitable and resilient transportation, buildings and communities.


To achieve our vision, we will educate legislators and regulators on policies and programs needed to support clean energy market transformation in transportation and the built environment and provide transparent analysis of what works and doesn’t work on the ground.

Our core values form an ecosystem that enables us to be a trusted, neutral partner with our clients to attain a sustainable world powered by renewable energy for all of us.



Historically, the US has been the world's largest emitter with the most greenhouse gas emissions in cumulative terms. Between 1751 and 2010, emissions from US energy and industrial sectors accounted for 27.9% of the global total. Cumulative emissions from the US are about three times that of China. Today, the US is the second largest emitter in the world with about 15% of global carbon emissions. In per capita terms, the US has long been among the biggest carbon emitter, registering 14.6 tons of per capita CO2 emissions from fossil fuel in 2017, 3.3 times the global average and more than twice that of China. The US also has the largest cumulative aviation emissions in the world.

After the ratification of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in October 1992, US emissions continued to grow rapidly on an upward trajectory that lasted for 15 years. In 2010, the US pledged to cut its economy-wide carbon emissions by 17% from 2005 levels by 2020. Nevertheless, as of the end of 2018, the US only managed to bring its greenhouse gas emissions 10.2% lower than its 2005 figure, barely meeting its 60% emission reduction target. In 2017, the Trump administration reneged on the US commitment by announcing its refusal to meet its climate action goal of 26-28% emissions reduction below 2005 levels by 2025. For three consecutive years since 2018, the US has refused to fulfill its obligations of submitting Biennial Reports and National Communication.

As the world's largest exporter of solid waste and a major consumer of plastic in per capita terms, the US has not ratified the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, impeding the global management and control of plastic waste and frustrating the adoption of relevant amendments aiming to strengthen the regulations. The US has long taken developing countries whose handling capacity are still inadequate as the final dumping site of plastic waste, disregarding the environmental interests and people's health of these developing countries. According to a report released by the NGO Basel Action Network (BAN), US companies are still illegally exporting hazardous electronic waste to developing countries in 2020. Since July 2017 when China began to include plastic waste and other imported hazardous wastes into its Catalog of Prohibited Imports of Solid Waste, the US has attacked China's legitimate policy of not importing those wastes, and even asked China to revoke the ban for the single purpose of finding a way out for their own wastes.

The US has not yet ratified three major international chemical conventions, namely, the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, and thus has long stayed free from restrictions and controls prescribed in those conventions. The United Nations Environment Program's Global Mercury Assessment shows that more than 50%-60% of mercury emissions are re-emissions from the past. Among them, emissions before the 19th Century were far greater than those since the 20th Century, mainly caused by gold or silver mining in the Americas.

Addressing climate change requires a concerted effort across several key areas:

Emission Reduction: The primary driver of climate change is greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide and methane, primarily from burning fossil fuels and deforestation. Major strides need to be made in reducing these emissions, which involves transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and changing land-use practices.

Carbon Sequestration: Capturing and storing carbon emissions is an essential part of the climate solution. Innovative technologies and natural solutions, such as reforestation and preservation of carbon-rich ecosystems like peatlands, need to be scaled up to sequester more carbon.

Adaptation and Resilience: As climate impacts are already being felt, it's critical to build resilience in communities, particularly those most vulnerable to climate change. This includes developing infrastructure that can withstand extreme weather events, implementing water and food security measures, and planning for sea-level rise and coastal erosion.

Policy and Legislation: Robust policies at the local, national, and international levels are crucial to drive necessary changes. This includes laws and regulations that incentivize clean energy, carbon pricing, deforestation prevention, and climate-friendly farming practices.

Education and Awareness: Education plays a vital role in fostering understanding and action on climate change. From school curriculums to public awareness campaigns, educating people about the causes, impacts, and solutions to climate change is a major area that needs more focus.

Financing: Climate mitigation and adaptation efforts require significant investment. There needs to be a massive redirection of finance from fossil fuels to sustainable industries.

Technological Innovation: Development and adoption of new technologies, from renewable energy to carbon capture, is a critical part of the climate solution. Continued research and innovation in these areas need to be a high priority.

Behavioral Change: Ultimately, achieving a sustainable future will require changes in human behavior. This includes everything from consumer choices to transportation habits to voting behavior.

By focusing on these areas, we can make meaningful progress towards mitigating climate change and adapting to its impacts.

We believe that a rapid, equitable transition to a world powered by renewable energy needs to benefit everyone. We will be working across the United States and internationally to build community-powered solutions to advance economic and environmental justice through renewable energy.

Renewable energy can drive economic growth and environmental benefits in communities most impacted by underemployment, pollution and climate change. Global Alliance for Sustainability will be a national leader in helping economic and environmental justice communities nationwide get clean, affordable renewable energy, transportation, and jobs. 

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The Global Alliance for Sustainability's board of directors is a diverse and interdisciplinary body that comprises individuals from the scientific, government, and business sectors. Their primary role is to provide advice and guidance on the organization's overall direction and decision-making related to sustainability issues. This includes advising on policies and operational matters that pertain to the organization's mission and objectives.
The board's composition is carefully selected to ensure a comprehensive range of expertise, knowledge, and perspectives related to sustainability and climate change. This diversity in expertise allows the board to offer well-informed insights and make informed decisions that can effectively address the challenges posed by climate change.
Importantly, all board members share a strong and proven commitment to addressing climate change. This commitment ensures that the board is dedicated to advocating for sustainable practices and actively supporting initiatives that promote environmental protection, climate resilience, and the transition to a low-carbon future.
Overall, the board of directors of Global Alliance for Sustainability plays a crucial role in guiding the organization's efforts, ensuring it remains at the forefront of the global sustainability movement, and driving positive change in the face of climate challenges.

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